World Languages

World Languages Tutoring

Please see the language pages below for Tutoring Hours.

Walk-in Spanish Tutoring in Boucke 220

Sunday-Thursday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

APPOINTMENTS in Boucke 220

Click on your language below to schedule an appointment via Starfish. Please note that these links are available only to students enrolled in a language course at University Park campus.

FOR INSTRUCTORS: Request a Language Class Visit

About Tutoring

Penn State Learning tutors who have performed well in language courses up to the 300-level or beyond are available to meet with small groups and individuals on a drop-in or appointment basis to engage in conversation and to address grammar and composition questions.

Penn State Learning offers drop-in tutoring for Spanish in 220 Boucke Building and Spanish exam reviews for Spanish 1, 2, and 3.

French, Italian, Portuguese, German and Russian tutoring are offered by appointment. To make a tutoring appointment for one of these languages, please go to, where you should see tutoring listed as one of your resources. Appointment schedules for that semester are typically posted during the first week of classes.

To make the best use of your tutoring session, be prepared.

  • Bring your textbook and other relevant class materials (study guides, syllabus, etc.).
  • Bring homework that has already been graded.
  • Plan your session. Know which concepts you have trouble with and what you would like to review.
  • Keep your expectations reasonable. During busy shifts, tutors may not be able to spend more than 20-30 minutes with you or they may group you with other students from your course.

What our tutors cannot do:

  • Provide answers for graded homework questions. Getting extensive help with your graded homework compromises academic integrity.
  • Proofread or edit graded essays. Graded essays are meant to test your comprehension of the language. Getting the essay edited by someone else compromises academic integrity.
  • Ensure that you receive an A on your homework or exam. Your success in the course depends on you.

What our tutors can do:

  • Explain and review concepts covered by the homework.
  • Provide examples similar to homework questions to help you learn principles and vocabulary.
  • Help you correct homework that has already been graded.
  • Read part of your essay to help you identify your weak areas.
  • Provide examples to strengthen your understanding so that you can more easily find your errors and correct them on your own.
  • Help you practice pronunciation and new vocabulary.
  • Help you learn how to best use your textbook and other resources.

Contact Information:

Andrew Davidson, M.A.
World Language Coordinator
Penn State Learning
205A Boucke Building