GSG Frequently Asked Questions


GSG Sessions are conducted only in the fall and spring semesters.

Refer to the GSG schedule for supported courses, session times, locations or links. Your PSU email is required for access to Zoom sessions. 

Recordings will be made available to enrolled students in the supported courses, where possible. 

You may also refer to your course Canvas page for session information where applicable. 

EXAM REVIEWS – via Zoom. Your PSU single sign-on is required for access to all exam reviews. Refer to the Exam Review Schedule page for all upcoming exam reviews. Check regularly for updates. 


GSG Employment - Fall 2024

If you would like to apply for vacant GSG leader positions, please refer to our job posting in Workday: Undergraduate Guided Study Group Leader 


What should I expect?

After selecting a day and time that works for you, find your peers and session leader at the assigned location.  Get the most out of your time by reading your text and working on homework or other assignments prior to your session time.

In the sessions: Question, collaborate, have fun!

  • Review key materials with your leader
  • Actively work with your peers in pairs or small groups
  • Participate in a safe and open environment to discuss knowns and unknowns. Remember: There are no dumb questions! 
  • Get to know your peers and have some fun!

Who are my leaders and what do they do?

Leaders are undergraduate students who have taken the course before and have met academic success. 

  • Leaders attend your course lectures to better understand the material and your experience
  • Your leader is here to help you and your peers with anything from one question to weekly review meetings

Get to know your leaders here

NOTE: GSG leaders are not TAs. Continue to visit your TA’s and faculty office hours and department resource rooms for additional assistance.

What if the leader doesn’t attend my lecture time?

Due to the high enrollment and number of sections for several first-year courses, there may not be a leader for every course section. If you do not see a leader’s name associated with your course, don’t give up! You are still welcome to participate in any and all Guided Study Groups to ask any questions you may have. If course material and exams differ significantly from other sections, attending a session may not be the best fit for you. In this case, contact your specific course TA, faculty, or departmental resources to work directly with them.  

Why should I come to sessions?

Regular sessions attendance is the best way to promote a structured study schedule and a positive academic experience! 

Benefits include:

  • An opportunity to focus on your course and stay on task
  • Practice in articulating your thoughts and formulating questions
  • A chance to review and prepare for quizzes and exams
  • Research shows that students who regularly attend sessions are likely to have higher grades than those who do not
  • Engagement in a fun and structured learning environment with classmates who share your goals!

Is my faculty member notified about my participation?

No, faculty members will not be notified about your participation. Penn State Learning uses session sign-in sheets to track participation and prepare for fluctuating attendance, but we will never share attendance records with faculty. However, you may always share your participation with your faculty member personally!

Do I receive extra credit for attending GSGs?

Your participation in the Guided Study Groups is purely voluntary. It is up to you to take ownership of your learning by taking advantage of the wonderful academic support services offered! Therefore, extra credit is not provided.

What if I am in a World Campus or Continuing Education course?

GSGs are currently offered for high-enrollment, primarily first-year residential courses (some courses are also available to upperclassmen). Some other types of group arrangements are in place to support World Campus courses in math and statistics. Visit our "Tutoring" tab to view services and schedules for these courses.