GSG Recordings

Couldn’t make it to a session or exam review? Don’t worry! Guided Study Group and Exam Review recordings can be accessed at the Kaltura MediaSpace. Just log in with your Penn State SSO to view!   

To find recordings for a specific class, please use the the link below to go directly to the course recordings. All recordings will be published within 24 hours of the conclusion of the session or exam review.  

CHEM 110 Recordings - GSG Leader Mary

CHEM 112B Recordings - GSG Leader Marielle

CHEM 112 Recordings - GSG Leader Jasmine

CHEM 212(Grove) Recordings - GSG Leader Holly

CHEM 210 (Houck) Recordings - GSG Leader Emma

ECON 102 (Inoue) Recordings - GSG Leader Colin

ECON 102 (Boyle) Recordings - GSG Leader Mahathir

ECON 104 (Brown) Recordings - GSG Leader Owen

ECON 104 (Campbell) Recordings - GSG Leader Manali

ECON 104 (Goffe) Recordings - GSG Leader Mike

KINES 202 Recordings - GSG Leader Kate

KINES 350 Recordings - GSG Leader Mike

Math 22 Recordings - GSG Leader Bryce

MATH 34 Recordings - GSG Leader Molly

MATH 110 Recordings - GSG Leaders Kristen, Camila, & Tri

MATH 140 Recordings - GSG Leaders Alex

MATH 140B Recordings - GSG Leader Brittany

MATH 141 Recordings - GSG Leader Saatvik

MATH 200 Recordings - GSG Leader Christina

MATH 201 Recordings - GSG Leader Christina

PHYS 211 Recordings - GSG Leader Ankita

PHYS 212 Recordings - GSG Leader Mike

PHYS 250 Recordings - GSG Leader Neela

PHYS 251 Recordings - GSG Leader Matt

STAT 200 (Buchanan) Recordings - GSG Leader Cooper

STAT 200 (Shook) Recordings - GSG Leader Faris

STAT 200 (Haubrick) Recordings - GSG Leader Helen

STAT 200 (Bond) Recordings - GSG Leader Nithin

If you have any questions or cannot access the recordings, please contact Annette Threeton at