Student IT resources
Penn State gives students access to many digital tools and resources, including software and hardware. -
Connect to Tech Guide
A guide to help students navigate IT at Penn State, from getting started, to laptop recommendations, labs and multimedia resources while a student, the essential systems, and resources for help. -
Support Resources
Support takes many forms.
Need help navigating a Penn State website, software, or systems? Contact the Help Desk 24/7. In addition to the Help Desk, Penn State offers training tools, tutors, and on-demand online learning. -
IT Learning and Development
Technology training solutions for students, faculty, and staff, including live training, videos, learning paths, and documentation. -
Tech Tutors
Looking for more personalized technology assistance? Tech tutors are available for students online via Zoom Sunday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Eastern time. -
LinkedIn Learning
Penn State offers thousands of free, on-demand programs through LinkedIn Learning. -
College and Campus IT Service Desks
Colleges and campuses offer support for their local community. Visit your campus or college from the list to access the services and information available to you.
Campus IT Service Desks
Campus | Phone | Location | Other | |
Abington | 215-881-7675 | abit@psu.edu | Lares, Rydal, Sutherland, and Woodland buildings | |
Altoona | 814-949-5356 | AltoonaIT@psu.edu | 234 Hawthorn Building | |
Beaver | 724-773-3566 | beaverIT@psu.edu | ||
Berks | 610-396-6195 | bk-helpdesk@psu.edu | ||
Brandywine | 610-892-1297 | bw-its@psu.edu | Vairo Library, 128 Office Suite | |
Dickinson Law | 717-240-5008 | dickinsonlawIT@psu.edu | Suite 010 | |
DuBois | 814-375-4858 | DuBoisIT@psu.edu | Swift Building, Room 248 | |
Erie, The Behrend College | 814-217-HELP (4357) | bdIThelp@psu.edu | Learn more about IT Walk-ups and hours | |
Fayette, The Eberly Campus | 724-430-4163 | fenso@psu.edu | Eberly Building, Room 107 | |
Great Valley | 610-648-3230 | gvhelpdesk@psu.edu | Main Building, ground floor | |
Greater Allegheny | 412-675-9498 | ga-helpdesk@psu.edu | Crawford Building, lower level | |
Harrisburg | 717-948-6188 | Olmsted Building, E302 | Submit a ticket to the Harrisburg Service Desk | |
Hazleton | 570-450-3456 | Butler, Room 116 | ||
Lehigh Valley | 610-285-5295 | lv-helpdesk@psu.edu | ||
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center (College of Medicine) | 833-577-HELP (4357) | help@pennstatehealth.psu.edu | ||
Mont Alto | 717-749-6300 | helpdesk@ma.psu.edu | ||
New Kensington | 724-334-6081 | 044 Blissell Library and Computer Center Building | Submit a service ticket to the New Kensington Service Desk. | |
Pennsylvania College of Technology | 570-320-7329 | helpdesk@pct.edu | Student and Administrative Services Center, Room 2072 |
Submit a Student ticket Submit an Employee ticket |
Schuylkill | 570-385-6212 | slhelpdesk@psu.edu | Classroom Building, bottom floor | |
Scranton | 570-963-2551 | snitstaff@psu.edu | Dawson, Room 117 | Book an appointment or submit a trouble ticket |
Shenango | 724-983-2932 | shenangoIT@psu.edu | Sharon Hall, Room 202 | |
University Park | 814-865-HELP (4357) | ITservicedesk@psu.edu | ||
Wilkes-Barre | 570-675-9140 | wbitsupport@psu.edu | ||
World Campus | 814-865-0047 |
Chat with a technology expert Submit an email form to the World Campus Service Desk |
York | 717-771-4080 | Grumbacher, Room 106 |
College IT Help Desks
College | Phone | Other | |
College of Agricultural Sciences | 814-865-1229 | AgHelpdesk@psu.edu | |
College of Arts and Architecture | 814-865-2248 | aait-help@psu.edu | |
Bellisario College of Communications | 814-865-1233 | BellisarioIT@psu.edu | |
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) | 814-865-1800 | helpdesk@ems.psu.edu | |
College of Education | 814-865-0626 | cetchelp@psu.edu | https://help.educ.psu.edu/ |
College of Engineering | 814-863-3741 | support@engr.psu.edu | |
College of Health and Human Development | 814-865-4636 | iss-helpdesk@psu.edu | |
College of Information Sciences and Technology | 814-863-8803 | helpdesk@ist.psu.edu | |
College of Liberal Arts | 814-865-3412 | lahelpdesk@psu.edu | |
Smeal College of Business | 814-865-0366 | itsupport@smeal.psu.edu | |
Dickinson School of Law | 717-240-5008 | DickinsonLawIT@psu.edu | |
Division of Undergraduate Studies | https://pennstate.service-now.com/sp?id=sc_category&sys_id=975e0c9e1b669... | ||
Eberly College of Science | 814-863-2123 | helpdesk@science.psu.edu | |
Educational Equity (Grange Building) | 814-865-9868 (Emergency #) | oopithelp@psu.edu | |
Graduate School | 814-865-1795 | https://gradschool.psu.edu/about/contact-us | |
Huck Institute IT | 717-749-6300 | huckit@psu.edu | |
Penn College of Technology | 570-329-4848 | ITServicedesk@pct.edu | https://www.pct.edu/students/information-technology-services |
Penn State Law | 814-867-1526 | help@pennstatelaw.psu.edu | |
School of Nursing | 814-863-2220 | conhelpdesk@psu.edu | |
Schreyer Honors College | shchelp@psu.edu |