Course Modes

Penn State delivers courses in a variety of ways. How courses are delivered at Penn State is often called ‘course modes’ or ‘instructional modes,’ and there are a few different options. Learn more about the modes and options that work for you.

  • Instruction Modes
    Here find the official definitions of course modes, from in person to remote and blended options. Learn about the different course modes, including the new remote synchronous mode, where students and faculty meet exclusively virtually and simultaneously during scheduled meeting times, which is newly available for fall semester 2023.
  • Course Search
    Students schedule courses in LionPATH and can search for courses by semester. Students can include Course Mode in searches, and Course Modes are identified in the complete “Class Detail,” which contains complete information about the course.
  • University Bulletins
    Penn State’s central resource for academic information and program requirements
  • Course Descriptions
    Before scheduling courses, find out about the course definitions, including what a course is about, how they fit into degrees/programs, how they are numbered, suffixes, etc.