Instructor Resources

Quizzes, Reflective Questions, and Activities

Following are the assignments embedded in this tutorial:

Relationship to Other iStudy Tutorials

This tutorial is directly related to the Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and Copyright as well as the Source Evaluation and Search Strategies iStudy tutorials. Those tutorials compliment the concepts illustrated in this tutorial.

Suggested In-Class Methods of Presentation



Note : This is an excellent opportunity to utilize and reinforce the cooperative learning techniques from the iStudy Cooperative Learning tutorial.

Key Points

These points are covered in the iStudy tutorial, but should be emphasized in any discussions:

Assessment Criteria

By observing both group and the individual activities, the instructor may assess student performance. Assessment criteria are as follows (instructors supply the percentage weights):


Assessment Criteria





iStudy Tutorial


The student can define technological fluency and its importance.




Students can engage in a group activity with a given scenario to define the problem, the specific skill needed to solve the problem, and how to go about acquiring the skills to solve the problem. Each group should present its decisions to the class and be prepared to discuss them.


iStudy Tutorial


The student can reflect on his/her own technological fluency skills and self-assess his/her current use of technological fluency skills by identifying his/her weaknesses as well as by making plans to eliminate those weaknesses.







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