Part 1 - What is an ePortfolio?

ePortfolio Definition

All ePortfolios are websites, but not all websites are ePortfolios. ePortfolios are:


Why are ePortfolios Important?

According to A Vision for Penn State: A Report of the Blue and White Vision Council (2013, p. 14), portfolios are cited as an aspect of "significant technological change" pertinent to Penn State strategy in a digital (r)evolution.


Academic portfolios:


Academic portfolios benefit students by:


Academic portfolios benefit instructors by:


Types of ePortfolios

There are several types of ePortfolios, but this tutorial focuses on academic portfolios. Academic ePortfolios are created within a student's course or program of study. Typical characteristics of an academic portfolio include:


Academic ePortfolios will include some combination of the following three items:

  1. Evidence: Show me what you've learned - an artifact of learning. You develop this.
  2. Reflection: Show me how you think about what you've learned in relation to the evidence. You develop this.
  3. Assessment: The ongoing conversation and feedback which surrounds the evidence and reflection. Others (usually instructors) provide this.

Other types of portfolios include learning and professional portfolios.


Typical characteristics of a learning portfolio include:

Typical characteristics of a professional portfolio include:


The follwing illustration shows the difference between the three types of portfolios, as well as how one might influence the others.

Personal, academic, and profession portfolio relationship.

A personal portfolio might draw upon experiences listed in an academic portfolio. An academic portfolio might consis of a number of course portfolios combined into a holistic program portfolio. A professional portfolio, in tern, might incorporate important items from an academic portfolio.

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