Activity 3: More about The Three Ms


Working with central tendencies of data (mean, median, mode) is useful because it makes data more managable. Think of some data you are interested in studying. The temperatures of cities you are considering for a vacation or for relocation could be an example. Which cities have consistent temperatures? Which cities have temperatures that vary greatly over twelve months? How does this statistical data fit into your vacation plans?

List several collections of data that you find interesting. Figure out, make up, or otherwise obtain the details of the data and calculate the mean, median, and mode. Are these three attributes all very similar in value? If so, why do you think this happens? If not, why do you think the attributes vary? Try to collect or build at least one set of data for which the "3 Ms" are dissimilar or "skewed."

Use the following format when listing your collections:


Description of Data:







Note: A downloadable RTF of this activity in the form of a worksheet is included on the left sidebar of this page.


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More 3 Ms


Working with central tendencies of data (mean - median - mode) is useful because it reduces data for easier managing. Think of some data you are interested in studying. Perhaps the temperatures of cities you are considering for a vacation or for relocation would be one example. Which cities have consistent temperatures? Which cities have temperatures that vary greatly over twelve months? How does this statistical data fit into your vacation plans?


List several collections of data that you find interesting. Figure out, make up, or otherwise obtain the details of the data and calculate the mean, median, and mode. Are these three attributes all very similar in value? If so, why do you think this happens? If not, why do you think the attributes vary? Try to collect or build at least one set of data for which the "3 Ms" are dissimilar or "skewed."


For each collection, use the following format:


Description of Data:









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