Instructor's Guide

Quizzes and Activities

Following are the assignments embedded in the Stress Management tutorial:


Relationship to Other iStudy Tutorials

This tutorial is related to other tutorials on personal effectiveness, including active listening, active reading, project management, interview skills, note-taking, peer tutoring, and brainstorming. In particular, stress management is directly related to conflict management and time management. Therefore, it is recommended that instructors introduce this tutorial to students in conjunction with other personal effectiveness tutorials.


Key Points

These points are covered in the iStudy tutorial, but should be emphasized in any discussions.

The following might be signs of possible stress:


Assessment Criteria

The iStudy tutorial includes a number of activities the instructor may find appropriate as assessment devices. First, each student completes a Signs of Stress worksheet as an assessment of the signs of stress the students can identify in their lives and how often they experience them. A worksheet listing different signs to look for is provided to aid the student.

The second assignment, a Stress Diary, is for recording stressors that occur during the student's day and descriptions of the trigger(s), the situation, his/her reaction, etc.

The third assignment is a Stress Worksheet. It helps the student identify a specific stress and whether it is of the positive (eustress) or negative (distress) variety. After identifying the typical stress that he/she has in his/her life, the student is then asked to rank these stressors and provide the causes of each.


Assessment criteria are as follows (Instructors supply the percentage weights):

Assessment Criteria





iStudy Tutorial


The student can identify stressors, stress triggers, and common symptoms in a given personal situation by listing them.


iStudy Tutorial


The student can distinguish specific stresses as eustress or distress by giving his/her examples. 




The student can manage or cope with stress by using Stress Diary, Signs of Stress, and Stress Worksheet.






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